Two teachers teaching a class which is being broadcast by KATV 7 television, after high schools were closed to prevent integration, Little Rock, Arkansas. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)

AMIA Resources

Most of AMIA’s publications, guides, and resources are developed through our committees, task forces, and working groups. These resources are intended to serve the full community of audiovisual archivists.


Open Source
AMIA’s Open Source Committee uses GitHub for collaboration on resources that support the preservation and use of moving image media.


Film Shrinkage Gauge
The gauge can be used to measure the linear shrinkage in any roll of 35mm, 16mm or regular 8mm film. The Shrinkage Gauge is available for loan at no charge to members. If you are not a member and wish to borrow the Shrinkage Gauge, contact


Waveform Monitor/Vector Scope
The Waveform Monitor is available for loan at no charge to members. If you are not a member and wish to borrow the Monitor, contact

Guides & Publications

Cataloging & Metadata
Community contributions to the Collaborative DEI Controlled Vocabulary Resource List are welcome, but please make sure to add suggestions in “Comments” mode.