Technicians at work in the histology and haematology sections (Barbados, 1965). Photograph No R 654938 Official Barbados photograph. National Archives of the UK.

Other Events

In addition to conferences and symposia, AMIA’s events include screenings and workshops as well as collaborative events with partners the world over.

AMIA events provide a variety of opportunities to learn from leaders in the field, to network with colleagues from around the world, to explore new approaches and new solutions from different organizations, and to exchange ideas with speakers and fellow participants.


Past Events



June 21-24, 2019 | Washington DC

AMIA is going to be on the exhibit floor at the American Library Association Annual Conference in Washington D.C., June 21-24. If you are an AMIA member attending ALA or live in the DC metro area and can spare a few hours to spread AMIA’s mission as a nonprofit international association dedicated to the preservation and use of moving image media, we invite you to participate.

AMIA members who can share their audiovisual expertise as an Ask the Expert or who are available to provide demonstrations tailored to a more general library audience. Ideas for demonstrations can be as basic as how to identify audiovisual formats, what damage and decay look like, basic concepts in inventorying collections and identifying content, basic digitization processes and workflows, and considerations in working with personal or culturally sensitive content.

Time slots available for volunteers at the AMIA booth:
Saturday and Sunday, June 22-23
9-11:30 am
11:30-2 pm
2-4:30 pm
Monday, June 24 – 9-11:30 am

You may request preference for one or more time slots. Let us kno ( if you’re able to be at the AMIA booth!


Archival Screening Night – The Roadshow

June 21, 2019 | National Gallery of Art | Washington, DC

AMIA will be debuting its roadshow version of Archival Screening Night (Afternoon) during ALA at the National Gallery of Art on Friday, June 21 at noon.

JTS 2019 – Joint Technical Symposium

October 3-5, 2019 |  Hilversum, Netherlands

The Joint Technical Symposium (JTS) is an international scientific and technical event dealing with matters of particular importance to audiovisual archives and archivists. Organized every few years by the audiovisual archives associations that make up the CCAAA, it provides an opportunity for colleagues around the world and those interested in the field to meet and share information about the preservation of original image and sound materials.  AMIA has hosted the JTS in 2004 and 2007.

JTS 2019 will be held October 3-5, 2019 in Hilversum, hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. AMIA will co-present JTS 2019 with FIAF, FIAT/IFTA, and IASA in conjunction with the 50th IASA conference.


AMIA/FIAF Archival Screening Night

In May, 2017 AMIA welcomed the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) and the Film Librarians Conference to an evening of archival celebration on the Paramount Lot.  Renowned film critic and tireless supporter of classic films Leonard Maltin hosted an evening of clips demonstrating the depth and breadth of collections and archivists within AMIA.



AMIA highlights the work of archivists and archives through screenings at the Conference, at The Reel Thing symposium, and other events.


Festival of the Archives

In 2012 AMIA hosted its first Festival of the Archives.  The festival’s mission is to promote to the public the work done by moving image archives in their efforts to preserve history and cultural heritage.  The 2012 festival was produced in partnership with the Seattle International Film Festival.