"He always had a dog with him" One very contented looking man and his dog, working alongside the Gallarus Oratory on the beautiful Dingle Peninsula in Kerry. ca. 1960 National Library of Irelan NLI Ref.: TIL617

Preservation Committee

Chairs: Julia Mettenleiter and Greg Wilsbacher

AMIA Preservation Committee Mission Statement

The Preservation Committee of the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) works to ensure that preservation issues facing collections, archives and archivists are discussed by AMIA’s membership so that traditional and evolving methods and technologies meet the preservation needs of the broadest possible communities. In the process it fosters open discussion and debate about preservation treatments, protocols, and workflows for all types of moving image materials and the long-term survivability of digitized assets. Any AMIA member can participate in the committee’s activities.

Projects and Research

Film Cleaning

Keeping film clean is one of the most basic actions of film preservation. Small collections may clean exclusively by hand, and larger labs may have various machinery to clean films, but, for the most part, it is taken for granted that cleaning happens as a key component of good archival practice. Perhaps because it is so integral, it is not widely discussed. However, the techniques, solvents, and workflows employed vary widely among labs and archives and thus merit a closer look.

The Film Cleaning Workgroup conducted a survey in 2021 to get a sense of this broad practice of film cleaning. The responses and comments prompted a longer phase of research, a panel presentation of some interesting case studies at the AMIA conference 2022 in Pittsburgh, and a publication in the Fall 2022 issue of the Moving Image Journal.


Vinegar Syndrome Handbook

The AMIA Preservation Committee is presently (2024) preparing a new digital handbook for archivists that provides a comprehensive guide to acetate film decomposition, its history in the field, along with tools and methods for its mitigation and prevention.


Resources and Tools

Storage Standards and Guidelines

With assistance from the Preservation Committee, AMIA prepared a factsheet on Storage Standards and Guidelines for both motion picture film and videotape. This document outlines current temperature and humidity standards, provides information on storage-related publications and resources, as well as contact information and links to selected storage providers.


Film Shrinkage Gauge

The AMIA film shrinkage gauge is a benefit of membership developed under the auspices of the Preservation Committee. The gauge was manufactured and purchased in 1997 and can be used to measure the linear shrinkage in any roll of 35mm, 16mm or regular 8mm film. The film shrinkage gauge is available for loan free of charge to any member of AMIA.


Waveform Monitor/Vector Scope

Waveform monitor is a benefit brought to you by the members of the Preservation Committee. The Waveform Monitor is available for loan free of charge to any member of AMIA.