AMIA 2023 Archival Screening Night at the Circle Cinema in Tulsa.


In November of 1990, representatives of over eighty American and Canadian film and television archives became the founding members of AMIA.

“At the 1990 Film Archives Advisory Committee/Television Archives Advisory Committee (FAAC/TAAC) conference in Portland, Oregon, the group voted on whether or not they should evolve into a formal organization. They discussed the ability to increase outreach and provide more resources and how to keep the impact the grass roots nature of their work.

Previously grouped loosely together in an ad hoc organization, Film Archives Advisory Committee/Television Archives Advisory Committee (FAAC/TAAC), it was felt that the field had matured sufficiently to create a national organization to pursue the interests of its constituents. According to the recently drafted by-laws of the Association, AMIA is a non-profit corporation, chartered under the laws of California, to provide a means for cooperation among individuals concerned with the collection, preservation, exhibition and use of moving image materials, whether chemical or electronic.

The objectives of the Association are:

  • To provide a regular means of exchanging information, ideas, and assistance in moving image preservation.
  • To take responsible positions on archival matters affecting moving images.
  • To encourage public awareness of and interest in the preservation, and use of film and video as an important educational, historical, and cultural resource.
  • To promote moving image archival activities, especially preservation, through such means as meetings, workshops, publications, and direct assistance.
  • To promote professional standards and practices for moving image archival materials.
  • To stimulate and facilitate research on archival matters affecting moving images.”

 — Statement by AMIA to the National Preservation Board, in reference to the National Film Preservation Act of 1992, submitted by Dr. Jan-Christopher Horak, AMIA President

More than 25 years later, with almost a thousand members representing more than 30 countries, AMIA is an international organization and recognized UNESCO NGO.

The mission remains – to support public and professional education and foster cooperation and communication among the individuals and organizations concerned with the acquisition, preservation, description, exhibition, and use of moving image materials.

Did you know that AMIA is turning 30 this year?

The Publications Committee, office, and board of directors thought it would be fun during this stressful time to journey back through older newspaper articles that make mention of the association and our members’ activities.

Here’s a little taste of where we’ve been, and maybe dream about where we might go collectively. If you have any old articles you think might fit the theme, pass them along to board member Melissa Dollman via the office.

Check out AMIA in the news through the years.