Marian Wright Edelman (l) and Henry Hampton (r) during the filming of Edelman’s 1988 interview for Eyes on the Prize II: America at the Racial Crossroads (1965-1985) Henry Hampton Collection, Washington University Libraries Film & Media Archive:

The Moving Image

Call for Special Issue

Call for Special Issue 24.1
“Government Film”

Guest editor: Brian Real

Submissions Due: May 31, 2023

The Moving Image, the peer reviewed academic journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA), invites submissions for possible inclusion in a special issue on Government Film. Full submissions are due by May 31, 2023, but contributors are encouraged to contact the special issue editor, Brian Real, in advance to discuss potential contributions and receive preliminary feedback.

  • Discussions of motion pictures produced by national, regional, state, and local governments, with a specific focus on how these works served policy objectives.
    This can include analyses of the output of particular directors or agencies.
  • Research on audience reception to government-made films and the effectiveness of their messaging.
  • Analyses of less-formal works made by government employees and their families, such as home movies.
  • Interviews with filmmakers, producers, and government officials who were involved in the creation of motion pictures for governments.
  • Overviews and comparisons of institutions that collect and preserve motion pictures made by governments, with a specific focus on how they preserve and provide access to these works.
  • Short pieces on specialized government film collections, paper-based collections of documents related to government-made films, and the acquisition and restoration of individual works.
  • Reviews of books, conferences, festivals, and media related to government-made films.

Types of Submissions:

  • Features: Double-blind peer reviewed research articles, 4,000 – 6,000 words
  • Forum pieces: Shorter, less formal pieces that include interviews and “notes from the field” that involve discussions of single institutions or archivists’ own work, such as specific restoration projects
  • Collections: Discussions of collections held by moving image archives, including their provenance
  • Reviews: Analyses of recent books, media (e.g., DVDs, Blu-Rays), conferences, film festivals, and exhibitions

Although the reviews section of the issue will remain open to all books, conferences, and discs related to film history and media preservation, the guest editor is particularly interested in reviews of works related to government produced motion pictures or review articles covering several relevant works.

Inquiries and submissions:

Please send initial proposals and final submissions to special issue editor Brian Real at and CC journal editor Devin Orgeron at

All manuscripts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word e-mail attachment, double-spaced throughout, using 12-point type with 1-inch margins, following the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.

Please note if your piece should be considered for the Features, Forum, Collections, or Reviews sections. If you have an idea for a submission but are not sure as to which section would be the best for your work, the guest editor would be glad to discuss this during the planning stages.