Secretaries, housewives, waitresses, women from all over central Florida are getting into vocational schools to learn war work (April 1942) Photographs of the Allies and Axis, compiled 1942 - 1945 Created By:Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Domestic Operations Branch. Bureau of Special Services National Archives at College Park

Member Directory

The AMIA Membership Directory, published electronically, lists contact information for all members.  The Membership Directory is only available to AMIA members.

As part of the website development, the AMIA Membership Directory will relaunch as an interactive database, allowing you to update your information and search the directory for members by company or location.

The AMIA Membership Directory is intended to facilitate communication among members – it is not intended to be used as a marketing list.

Members can access the Membership Directory through Basecamp’s AMIA Members & Master Calendar section.  If you don’t have access yet, contact us at – it has the the year’s Master Calendar as well as easy access to updated directories.

Members can also have the directory sent via email – just send us a request to