Technicians at work in the histology and haematology sections (Barbados, 1965). Photograph No R 654938 Official Barbados photograph. National Archives of the UK.


AMIA’s Education Committee has a number of resources for students, new professionals, and those interested pursuing a career in moving image archives.

What is a Moving Image Archivist?

Anyone responsible for preserving, restoring, and making accessible our audiovisual heritage, including, film, television, video, and digital formats.  As a profession, we advocate for the acknowledgement that this media heritage is an important educational, historical and cultural resource.

You may already be working as a media archivist, but if you’re deciding if this is the career for you, here are some of the basics that you should know about the field, such as the current professional climate, educational expectations, and how the profession is expected to develop.

Graduate and Undergraduate Programs

Listed below are graduate, undergraduate, and certification programs specifically designed for audiovisual archiving. This is not a definitive list, so please let us know of more programs to add. Inclusion on the list does not equal an endorsement of the program.



New York University (NYU)

Moving Image Archive Program


University of Rochester

The L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation



French National Audiovisual Institute School (INAsup), Paris, France 

Masters of Audiovisual Heritage Management


Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Conservation and Restoration of Audio-visual and Photographic Artefacts


Ryerson University-Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Masters of Arts in Film and Photography Preservation and Collection Management


Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Germany

Conservation of New Media and Digital Information

  • 2 year MA Program
  • The  program is organized into four modules: conservation, media, computer science and supporting studies. The media module focuses on three main areas: photography, video and digital information.
  • Taught in German and English


Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan

Graduate Institute of Studies in Documentary & Film Archiving

  • MA Program
  • Taught in Mandarin Chinese


University of Amsterdam

Heritage Studies: Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image


Université de Lausanne/Cinémathèque Suisse, Switzerland

Film Studies With Archive Option at the Cinémathèque Suisse

  • 2 year MA Program
  • Taught in French


AV Specific Certifications

University of Rochester, NY

The L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation


Charles Sturt University, Australia

Graduate Certificate in Audiovisual Archiving


Creative Skillset, United Kingdom

Media Archive Trainee Certificate

  • 6 month certificate program
  • Created in partnership with FOCAL International and Film London
  • Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Skills for the Future Programme, and BFI Film Skills Fund


Diploma in Audiovisual Preservation and Restoration (DiPRA), Argentina


Ibero-American Academic Program in Sound and Audiovisual Heritage


General Archiving and Library Science Certifications

SAA: Society of American Archivists

Digital Archive Specialist (DAS)

  • A mixture of online and in-person courses to be completed within 2 years
  • A comprehensive exam is offered through SAA at their annual meeting (August) and at various sites across the country in February and November.

Academy of Certified Archivists (ACA)

  • A comprehensive 100 question exam offered annually at the SAA meeting.