Technicians at work in the histology and haematology sections (Barbados, 1965). Photograph No R 654938 Official Barbados photograph. National Archives of the UK.

AMIA Authors

AMIA members are among the leading voices worldwide on issues surrounding the preservation, archiving, and restoration of film, video, and digital moving images.

AMIA members are among the leading voices worldwide on issues surrounding the preservation, archiving, and restoration of film, video, and digital moving images.  They write not only for AMIA’s journal, The Moving Image, but also author books and articles for a wide variety of publications. They create video essays and podcasts, and are guests on television, radio, and online programming as interview subjects, offering unique and learned perspectives on moving image preservation, making, advocacy, distribution, copyright, collecting, curating, digitization, and the histories of such activities.

This is a list of AMIA authors/makers/interviewees and their recent work in these areas.  The Authors (a catch-all term) includes books, articles, video essays, podcasts and radio episodes (either as author or in an appearance), and film, television, or print appearances.  These publications are offered as resources –  for information, research, instruction – as part of AMIA’s commitment to education and access.

AMIA Authors page is updated three times per year and listings are for current members.  Are you a member?  You can submit your listing below and it will be included in the next update.





Magazine/News/Periodical Interview (Guest Appearance on Topic)

Video Essay