Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President ( 22 Nov 1963) Air Force One, Love Field, Dallas, Texas - White House Photo Office LBJ Library photo by Cecil Stoughton LBJ Presidential Libarary

Archival Associate


Archival Associate (full-time)


Lubbock, TX USA

Application Date

January 01, 1970

Job Link


Job Contact


The Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library at Texas Tech University is hiring an Archival Associate in our Audio Visual department. The essential job functions include overseeing the digital migration of analog audio, video, and film; processing A/V collections, creating finding aids, and producing metadata for recordings; and administering repair work and preventative maintenance for analog transfer equipment.

A direct link to the hiring website and job description (position 25524BR) can be found here: https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?partnerid=25898&siteid=5635&PageType=JobDetails&jobid=656697
This Archival Associate position is also listed on the Texas Tech library’s employment page: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/library/about/employment/

SALARY: starting $15/hour

Any questions can be directed to the AV Unit Manager, Dr. Elissa Stroman– elissa.stroman@ttu.edu .