Archival Screening Night audience at the Circle Cinema in Tulsa, OK.

AMIA-L Listserv

The AMIA-L list a forum for discussion among  professionals interested in issues relevant to issues any and all involving all aspects of moving image materials and archives.

AMIA sponsors the AMIA-L list as a forum for discussion among  professionals interested in issues relevant to issues involving all aspects of moving image materials and moving image archives, and to any related technologies or special interests of the profession. AMIA members and non-members are welcome, and subscription to AMIA-L is open to the public.

Directions For Subscribing To AMIA-L

In subscribing, you are agreeing to abide by both the AMIA-L Rules and Guidelines and AMIA’s Code of Conduct.

There are two methods for subscribing to AMIA-L:

Send an e-mail message to:

Leave the subject line empty. The first and only line in the body of the  message should read: Subscribe AMIA-L <your name>

With AMIA-L’s new Web interface, it is also possible to start the subscription  process through your Web browser.  Subscribe Here.

Click on the link “Join or leave the list (or change settings)” and follow the  instructions from there. Please allow 24 hours for all changes or additions to  become active.

You will receive an automatic response and further instructions.  Please allow 24 hours for all changes or additions to become active.  Typically listserv subscriptions are not added on Saturday or Sunday.

Questions: Please contact the AMIA-L List Administrators at AMIA-L-request@LSV.UKY.EDU with any questions or problems you  might have.

AMIA-L Archives AMIA-L is sponsored by AMIA as a service to the archival community and its archive files are open to the public. All messages shared on  AMIA-L are accessible to the public at You may contact the AMIA Office if you have questions about access to the pre-1999 archives.