No date is given, but the color photograph and the appearance of Danny Kaye point to a later period in his life. Doug McKenzie Photographer. Kaye/Fine Collection, Music Division. Library of Congress.

Continuing Education Advisory Task Force

Chairs: Andy Uhrich and Brianna Toth

Current Task Force Members

Snowden Becker, Nicholas Camardo, Casey Davis Kaufman, Jackie Jay, CK Ming, Shira Peltzman, Laura Rooney, Zachary Rutland, Clara Sánchez-Dehesa, Teague Schneiter, Annie Schweikert, Kimberly Tarr and Jamie Marie Wagner

Accreditation & Curriculum Subcommittee

Shannon Devlin, Alyse Hébert, Jackie Jay (Chair), Jimi Jones, Bleakley McDowell, Michael Thuman and Andy Uhrich

Digital Formats Series Subcommittee

Carolina Battaglini (Advisee), Ethan Gates, Joshua Ng, Dave Rodriguez and Annie Schweikert (Chair)

International Subcommittee

Guillaume Boure, Carolina Cappa (Advisee), Martino Cipriani, Gloria Ana Diez (Chair), Clara Sanchez-Dehesa, Daniel Smith, and Sarah Vandegeerde

Task Force Mission

The CEA Task Force is charged with both short-term and longer-term goals. The Task Force will recommend a strategic direction for AMIA’s online continuing education program. As part of this recommendation, the Task Force will work to identify training/educational needs within the field, summarize existing core competencies analysis and definitions, identify strategic collaborators or partners, and consider the merits of individual certification.

2021 – 2022 Charge

The CEA Task Force will work with the Program Manager to define a strategic plan for online education for 2021 and 2020 that address the educational needs and core competencies of the profession. In addition, the Task Force will continue its work in pursuing the other recommendations from the 2019 report.


AMIA Quaranstream

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the professional and academic landscapes have been drastically transformed. In response, AMIA’s CEA Task Force programmed a series of webinars to address critical issues that have emerged, as well as provide skills necessary for transitioning to working more remotely. Due to the large number of free online educational resources that explain audiovisual archiving concepts (CEA Task Force 2019 Report Appendix 6: Online Resources for A/V Preservation), the Task Force will utilize existing online material as recommended reading for these webinars. In so doing, the programming offered can move to an intermediate level of training that will go into greater depth of the topics and skills being taught, fill gaps within current educational and professional resources, and bring awareness to the work of organizations and individuals who created these materials.

The CEA Task Force believes that our programming is strengthened with partnerships across institutions, geography, and areas of expertise. This enables us to continue to strive for a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable approach to media preservation. In an effort to help to sustain the profession in this uncertain time, the Task Force encourages the AMIA community to share ideas, promote each other’s work, assist one another to create remote workflows, and identify areas of advocacy for archiving and preservation practice within the varied institutions we serve.

Payment for this programming is on a sliding scale to accommodate all income brackets.

For those who have lost their jobs or been furloughed these webinars are FREE.

Hashtags: #amiaquaranstream #amiaonlinedu #amianet


Online Programming Request Form

If something important was not covered in a session or there is a timely topic you want AMIA to consider offering a webinar on let our Continuing Education Advisory (CEA) Task Force know!



Online Tracks & Formats (PDF Version)
The CEA Task Force has worked with the Board to define, describe and outline tracks and formats for AMIA’s online programming. This documentation is the first in a number of resources that will help guide AMIA’s work on creating accessible online education.

Logistics & Guides for Online Events (Google Doc Version | PDF Version)
This is is a living document which will be reviewed on an annual basis. You are invited to comment and make suggestions within the Google Doc version of this document.


CEA Task Force Report 2018-2019

This report presents reasons why AMIA should engage in continuing education efforts; briefly summarize the other options available for media preservation training; list the possible audiences for AMIA’s education programs; identify potential collaborative partners with whom to teach A/V archiving; present the forms in which AMIA has and could continue to offer these programs; provide possible course topics and other issues to consider when designing media preservation training; and conclude with follow-up areas that require further research for the Executive Board to consider.

Special Thanks to Past Task Force Members

Ed Benoit, Jess Cayer, Janet Ceja, Claire Fox, Karen Gracy, Anne Kelly, Nicole Martin and Erwin Verbruggen