Secretaries, housewives, waitresses, women from all over central Florida are getting into vocational schools to learn war work (April 1942) Photographs of the Allies and Axis, compiled 1942 - 1945 Created By:Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Domestic Operations Branch. Bureau of Special Services National Archives at College Park

LGBT Committee

Chair: Kristen Muenz

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Interest Group was formed to provide a safe space to discuss issues and develop projects that are relevant to working in the archival industry, the archiving of moving images of LGBT peoples, and diversity within AMIA. The group organizes at least one meeting and one social gathering at the annual conference, proposes plenary and panel sessions to the Conference Committee, and maintains an e-mail list that allows group members to engage in on-line discussions and information sharing.

Current Projects

Union List of LGBT holdings: From its inception, members of the LGBT Interest Group have discussed compiling data on the holdings of archives that relate to LGBT people. At the group’s meeting in Boston in November 2002, some groundwork was laid to begin the project. Our goal is to produce a Union List of the LGBT-related holdings of AMIA archives. This is obviously an ambitious, long-term project that will require a lot of work, and input from a large number of people. If you’d like to help with the Union List, or if you can take some time to share information about your archive’s LGBT holdings, please e-mail the Chair. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated!

History and Past Projects of the LGBT Interest Group

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Interest Group was created from the LGBT caucus following the AMIA conference in Montreal in November 1999. The group has held a meeting and an informal dinner gathering at each subsequent AMIA conference. The group helped organize the plenary session “Beyond Hollywood: Preserving Our Hidden Histories for the 21st Century” for the Los Angeles conference in 2000 and hosted the session “Documenting Our Lives” at the Portland conference in 2001.  In 2009, the Interest Group became a standing committee of AMIA.

To join the LGBT Committee, email the Chair to be added to our e-mail list, or come to a meeting of the group at the annual AMIA conference. All members of AMIA are welcome to join the Committee.