Babe Ruth, Bill Carrigan, Jack Barry, & Vean Gregg, Boston AL. (1915). Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

2024 Board & Officers Election – Nominations

The 2024 AMIA elections process is currently underway. In even-numbered years, AMIA elects a Secretary, Treasurer, and three at-large directors to the Board of Directors. All AMIA officers and directors serve two-year terms.

AMIA relies on its Board of Directors to lead the association, ensure the organization’s mission is fulfilled and promote AMIA’s diverse activities. The Elections Committee encourages selection of a slate of nominees that fairly represents the professional and personal diversity of the membership. All members are encouraged to participate, including students and professionals at every career stage in all areas of engagement. The positions are:

  • Secretary [1 position] (2024-2026)
  • Treasurer [1 position] (2024-2026)
  • Director of the Board [3 positions] (2024-2026)

The Election Committee hereby solicits names to be considered for its provisional slate. Once this provisional slate is announced, additional names may be placed on the ballot through a nomination-by-petition process before the slate of candidates is finalized.

To nominate someone (including yourself) for the consideration of the Elections Committee, please send an email containing the nominee’s contact information by July 23 to Andrea Leigh and use the phrase “AMIA Nominee” in the subject line.

The Election Committee’s provisional slate will be announced in July. This will be followed by a two-week nomination-by-petition period. For more information about the nomination-by-petition process or about the elections process, please review the Elections Manual. Information about the responsibilities of AMIA’s Board members is available in the Board Handbook.

Current 2024 dates:

  • Call for Nominations Closes: July 26
  • Preliminary Slate Announced: August 13
  • Nomination by Petition: Declaration Due: August 20
  • Membership deadline for voters to renew: August 21
  • Nomination by Petition: Signatures Due: September 10
  • Election Opens: September 17
  • Election Closes: October 16
  • Election Announcement: October 22

If you have any questions about the call for nominations, please feel free to contact Andrea Leigh, chair of the Elections & Nominations Committee, at