Technicians at work in the histology and haematology sections (Barbados, 1965). Photograph No R 654938 Official Barbados photograph. National Archives of the UK.

Elections and Nominations Committee

Chair: Andrea Leigh

The Elections and Nominations Committee has primary responsibility for conducting AMIA’s annual election process, which it carries out in accordance with the policies and requirements of the association’s Bylaws.

Each year, the Committee announces the elections schedule, solicits recommendations of candidates for Association-wide offices which are up for election, nominates slates of candidates for these offices, verifies the ballot, and notifies the candidates and the membership of the election results.  Although appointed by the AMIA Board of Directors, the Elections Committee exercises complete authority in the nomination of candidates for all Association-wide offices. Anyone serving as an AMIA Director of the Board may not serve as a member of the Committee during his/her term of office.

Each year, the Elections and Nominations Committee works to develop the strongest and most representative slate of candidates possible to insure quality leadership for the Association. In making nominations, the Committee is guided by recommendations from AMIA members, which are not binding on the Committee but are given appropriate weight in the Committee’s deliberations; consultation with AMIA members; and the Committee’s own good judgement.

All AMIA members are encouraged to submit recommendations of candidates to the Elections and Nominations Committee. While the Committee is responsible for determining the final nominations, recommendations from the membership are vital in helping the committee assemble the strongest possible slate of candidates.