Winfrey puts her feet up as she relaxes in her office following a morning broadcast in Chicago, Ill., Dec. 18, 1985. AP.

Cataloging and Metadata Committee

Chair: Winter Shanck

The Cataloging and Metadata Committee is a forum for discussion of cataloging and metadata issues in the moving image community. In the course of its work, the Committee facilitates the exchange of information through programs and publications, promotes the use of existing national standards for the cataloging of archival moving image materials, advises the appropriate standard making bodies on cataloging standards and issues, creates new cataloging standards, provides education and information on cataloging practices, and establishes liaisons with related organizations.

Document Reviews

The Cataloging Committee has assisted a number of other organizations through its review of the following documents:

  • Dance Heritage Coalition Descriptive Standards Project “Working Paper for Guidelines for Performing Arts Cataloging”
  • Music Library Association Bibliographic Control Committee’s “Guide to the Bibliographic Control of Music Video Material”; draft
  • Library of Congress: Program for Cooperative Cataloging’s (PCC) “Core Bibliographic Record for Moving Image Materials”
  • Various proposals before the Committee on Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information (MARBI) of the American Library Association (ALA).


Collaborative DEI Controlled Vocabulary Resource List

Thanks to May Haduong, Rebecca Fraimow and Chloe McLaren, there is a living document to assist with finding vocabulary resources to make well-informed decisions about describing marginalized or otherwise poorly-described groups of people.

Community contributions to the Collaborative DEI Controlled Vocabulary Resource List are welcome, but please make sure to add suggestions in “Comments” mode.