Explorers and scientists hiking a glacier in Southeast Alaska, 1926. William O. Field Papers, AAF-21001 (still image from film), Alaska Film Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks. http://library.uaf.edu/film-archives

Annual Salary & Demographic Survey

In November 2020, the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) launched the AMIA Annual Salary & Demographics Survey of the Field. This study was a continuation of research conducted by AMIA in 2019 and it was also informed by similar surveys commissioned by the Society of American Archivists and American Library Association. Like other studies from allied cultural heritage professions, the AMIA survey demonstrates that diversity is lacking in the audiovisual archives field and that serious and deliberate effort must be made to address this. AMIA has already taken some actions in response to this, such as the development of the AMIA Pathways fellowship program that will fund young professionals from diverse backgrounds in paid internships and mentorship activities. Additionally, the 2020 survey showed some issues with archivists’ costs of living and workplace conditions, especially in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic, that should inform the AMIA’s future advocacy efforts.

Results of the 2021/22 Survey will be posted soon.