World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

October 27 is World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, adopted to raise global awareness of the importance of our audiovisual heritage and those responsible for preserving it.

Your Window to the World

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage has become a key initiative for both UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) to honour audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that help to safeguard this heritage for future generations despite the many technical, political, social, financial, and other factors that threaten its survival.

Audiovisual archives around the world join together annually on 27 October to celebrate their work with activities and events that not only highlight the vulnerability of this heritage, but also celebrate the often unheralded work of the heritage institutions that protect it.


Your Window to the World is the theme of the World Day celebration.  Join in the global celebrations of the World Day on and around 27 October and share the information about your events on the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage website!