Preservation Services Section Head (full-time)
Culpeper, VA USA
February 20, 2025
SALARY: $142,488 – $185,234 per year
The Preservation Services Section Head (PSSH) is responsible for program planning and management for preservation services, overseeing the preservation activities of the laboratories (film, video, audio), supervising, and managing their staff, and serving as a liaison on behalf of the Division. The incumbent may serve in the absence of the Chief or the Assistant Chief and assume full responsibility of the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center (NAVCC) and of that position. The Section Head is responsible for the management and direction of the Section and Units (laboratories), and establishes priorities, directs the work activities of Section staff (government, grant-funded and/or contract), and manages the technical and financial resources allocated to the Section to achieve its goals. The incumbent oversees preservation activities for a wide range of audio-visual formats in support of the Library’s mission. This position collaborates with colleagues within and beyond the Library to exchange industry knowledge and contribute to community standards and best practices for audio-visual preservation. The Section Head also serves as a member of the NAVCC management team, which includes planning, implementation, and on-going operations.